If you are interested in a hosted journal, please fill out the form on the following page. You will be contacted shortly by a representative of Hunter Library to schedule a consultation. You must authenticate with a WCUid in order to complete the form.

Journals at WCU

Journals at WCU are hosted through a consortium of UNC system schools at UNC Greensboro.


The Journal of the Society for Mormon Philosophy and Theology


Global Perspectives on Accounting Education

Global Perspectives on Accounting Education is an academic, peer-reviewed journal that publishes research and instructional resources relevant to accounting faculty and accounting education worldwide. The journal welcomes manuscripts from any and all countries. Manuscripts can make either a direct or indirect contribution to accounting education to be considered for publication. An example of an indirect contribution could be a study that bridges education in accounting and other disciplines. The journal also welcomes studies replicating prior published works to assess the generalizability of existing literature.